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Encouraging your Transformation to the Keto Way Of Living

Keto 101 February 11 Start Date

Hello everyone! Tina and I would like to welcome you to our first Ketogenic Lifestyle 101 class. While we're new to the formal coaching process, we have been doing this unofficially for over two years. In that time we've had some significant achievements in terms of...

Our Site is New! Our Coaching is not!

Have you ever set goals at the beginning of the year, and within weeks realized that you were never going to reach those goals? Did you give up? Did you lower your expectations? In December 2015, Ken did something he’d never done before. He signed up for a 5-day goal setting course. It did a great job of setting up a framework that had never been a part of life for Ken, and as a result there were many goals reached, and some outliers that are still on his list. However, there was one thing on the list that should have been easy. Lose 30 pounds. He lost 10 and felt like he was starving himself all year. So, when it became clear that the goal to lose 30 pounds wasn’t happening, he began to look for something else. Along with Tina’s indispensable help, they embarked on this journey. Read on!

Food & Nutrition Coaching

The Standard American Diet isn’t healthy. Most Americans eat far too much sugar, and we’ll help you detox! It is beyond a doubt hard work, yet we’ve done it to the point where it is almost second nature. We can help you change your life. Having said that, we are not doctors, and any change to your way of eating should be done in concert with your primary care physician. Perhaps, you’re like us, and haven’t been to a physician in years. Don’t let that stop you! For us, and for you there is nobody to consult! We took all the responsibility for whatever would happen, and ultimately that’s what we want for you. The change is as real as the skeptics. The choice is yours.

Learn How To Eat Healthy Without Changing Your Busy Lifestyle

Even if your current lifestyle includes lots of fast food meals, we can help you replace what you currently eat with choices that will support adapting to a healthy, wellness oriented way of eating. You’ll find that in time the choices become easier, and you won’t imagine eating any other way– you’ll feel that good. If you haven’t figured out that this healthy way of eating is Keto, or you are wondering what Keto is all about, then read on. 

Custom Plans

Do you have special needs, or issues that your doctor raises? We’re happy to work with medical professionals, as long as they’re willing to look at the science! If you are currently on medications, you will need to work with your doctor on those medications as your body adapts to this new way of eating. We’re ready to help you change your life, and we look forward to sharing in your success.

Guaranteed Results

How can we guarantee results? Everyone who has followed the plan, and converted their body to burning fat, producing Ketones instead of converting glucose to fat and storing fat will lose fat! It’s science! And last time we checked, science works regardless of what we think about it! So, the choice is yours. Get on board with the Keto way of eating, and learn how your lifestyle will change for the better!

Our Next Group Coaching Session Starts in...








Having Trouble Finding a Nutritious Balance?

You’re Not Alone. And We’re Here to Help!

As much as we like nuts, the thought of eating only nuts doesn’t appeal to us. We can think of lots of reasons why we shouldn’t give up many vegetables as part of a healthy diet. And then there are the things we think we can’t live without, like ice cream. The good news is that there are ways to continue enjoying treats that are Keto friendly, and nutritious! Join us on the journey and you will discover you’re eating better than you ever have before!

How We Can Help

We’ll look at all the areas of your life as we work towards creating a plan that you can call your own. It isn’t good enough to simply have a list of rules. You need to know why you are making those choices. We’ll help you prepare, so that you eventually get to a point where you no longer crave the things that will sabotage your efforts in the categories below.

Food Coaching

When you look at the picture on the right, you may be thinking that’s a lot of cheese! The good news is that cheese is a great source of fat and protein. Fat is a key component in our diets, because fats help us feel full faster. The Keto way of Living encourages the consumption of these and other healthy fats. 

Sports Nutrition

Some active individuals are afraid to give up the carbs they think they need in order to build muscle or have energy. Your muscles need protein to rebuild, so if you’re athletic, we’ll make sure you’re getting the protein you need! There are other things your body needs, and we’ll identify those things for you so that you can hit the ground running, so to speak!

Vitamins & Suppliments

The preferred way to get the nutrients and vitamins we need is from the food we eat. Depending on the nutrient density of what is available, it may become necessary to supplement. If you’re not careful, the supplements you think are helping could have fillers in them that will sabotage your Keto plan. We have two options for you.  The first is if you don’t mind pills, and the second if you’d rather do drops. You can also do both. In the interest of full disclosure, we are distributors for these products, and will earn money when you purchase them. That’s a good thing, because if you like them, and want to recommend them to your friends, you can become a distributor as well, and then you’ll make money for making the recommendation. We call that win-win!

Weight Loss

While weight loss may be the initial primary goal, we don’t just look at weight loss, we also look at size. Keep in mind that muscle is more dense than fat is, and as you adopt this way of living, and you lose weight, you will find it easier to exercise! And, you’ll have more energy to do it… says the guy who often finds himself on the treadmill closing circles before a midnight deadline!

If you join us on this journey, and have an Apple Watch, Ken will add you as an accountability partner in the Activity app. The offer applies no matter what you sign up for, or what coach you prefer!

Finding a Balance Can Be Hard, but Eating Healthy Doesn’t Have To Be!

The Standard American Diet, in a word is SAD. Sad, because in large part something very addictive is at the core of just about everything Americans eat. You’d almost have to be living under a rock not to know what it is. And, even if you’ve made previous attempts to cut back, there is really only one way to break the cycle. Ok, if you haven’t guessed it by now, it’s sugar. And, if you’re thinking that eliminating all processed sugar is enough, then you are not going to realize all of the benefits of becoming Keto adapted. You don’t have to go on this journey alone. Let us help you with our signature 7-week group coaching session, where you will work with us, and a group of people who will support your efforts to not only eat healthy, but share in your struggle, and your ultimate success. We’ll help you develop a plan with the tools you’ll need to achieve your objectives, and ongoing coaching to help you when the going seems difficult. Do you believe everything you see on the Internet? How do you respond to friends and family who haven’t adopted the Keto Way of Living? Do you really want to change your life? Do you want to meet other people who will share your passion? We want to help!

About Ken

Certified Keto Lifestyle Coach

At the end of 2015, Ken decided that it was time to do more than just think about goals. Realizing that all previous attempts hadn’t produced results, he figured that he should get some help from someone who successfully set and attained them. So he signed up for Michael Hyatt’s 5 Days to your Best Year Ever. One of the goals he set was to lose 30 pounds in 2016. At the end of the year, he had only lost 10 pounds–and he felt like he was starving himself. So, he thought there has to be a better way. A family friend at one point weighted over 500 pounds, and was now somewhere around 280. He’d heard of his success, and figured if his friend could lose well over 250 pounds, he could apply the same technique and lose the 20 pounds he hadn’t lost. Now, in 2018, Ken tips the scales just below 170 pounds down from the 215 peak in 2016. The secret? Eliminate sugar and carbs. 

Can you do this all by yourself? Absolutely! Can you stick with it long enough to see the results that go beyond weight loss? Will you give up, because old habits die hard? That’s why Ken and the team at KT Keto are excited to coach you on your journey. 

About Tina

Certified Keto Lifestyle Coach

Tina is Ken’s wife and she is a big part of what made the Keto way of Living enjoyable. Why is that, you ask? Her research and willingness to do Keto along with Ken made it much easier for Ken to make the change. It is always easier to do something like this with someone. While Ken’s research led him to discover significant health benefits to the Ketogenic way of Living, Tina focused on the practical ways to replace foods that are no longer options. For example, one of her favorite foods was mashed potatoes, and potatoes are loaded with starch and carbs. Who knew that cauliflower, celery root, and cream cheese could combine to replace mashed potatoes, and actually taste better than the original?! Or, that boiled or roasted radishes could replace potatoes? You’ll discover that Tina is an invaluable resource in your quest for making the lifestyle changes necessary. Oh, and she’s lost over 50 pounds and has gone from almost needing size 16s to now comfortably wearing size 6s!

Can you make the switch all by yourself? Of course! Can you stick to it without the encouragement and tips from others? Will you give up when the going gets tough? Or, will you let Tina and the team at KT Keto help you achieve success? We’d love to add your story to our growing list of clients whose lives have been transformed. Join us today!

Our Approach

While we firmly believe that you can do this yourself, we are keenly aware of how much easier this process was with the help of others who have blazed a trail for us to follow. Could you assemble everything that we’ve done over the past two years? Maybe, but it was hard work. We’re willing to help!

Our Process

We start with a 7-week intensive cohort based group coaching method.

  • We help you establish realistic goals
  • We make you aware of what you can expect as you transition from a sugar and carb based diet, to a high fat, moderate protein, extremely low carb lifestyle.
  • We share the tools, we use, and help you understand your food macros.
  • We provide you with a support framework that will continue past the nearly two month intensive session
  • We have a follow up two month Keto 102 coaching time that will provide you with the tools you need to break through plateau periods, and resume your weight loss goals.

Eat fat, burn fat, who knew?!!

Unique Framework

We don’t replace your regular primary care physician, and before undertaking any changes in your diet, you should consult with them. We’ll provide you everything you’ll need to have an intelligent conversation with medical professionals.

Having said that, our experience has been that there are many long term benefits from the Keto way of Living that show up positively in blood work, and in the treatment of diabetes. There is also scientific evidence that demonstrates improved cognitive function, the reduction of many cancers, dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimers, and more. 

We’ve Developed Fun & Realistic Methods For  Balanced Nutrition

Do you like to use your grill? Are you thinking that you’re going to miss out on hamburgers because you can’t do a bun anymore? There are two solutions here. Buy cheap steak. Cheap steak? Is there such a thing? Yes, for you there is… while everyone else is looking for the leanest steak, you’re willing to buy the less expensive fatty steak! And the other solution is to buy portobello mushroom caps and use them for buns. They’re perfect!

Are you one of those people who fills a large bowl with 4 or 5 scoops of ice cream? Are you thinking that this way of eating is going to take this away from you? Well, it will—just not in the way you think it will. You’ve no doubt heard that less is more, and probably thought that was silly. We don’t blame you, but this is one of those times when less really is more. Keto friendly ice cream is very rich, very creamy, and immensely satisfying in small doses. If you don’t believe me, and try to eat a large bowl of Keto ice cream, don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Recommended Keto Resources

KT Keto Private Paid Facebook Group

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“Ken & especially Tina have helped me on my journey to better health through their encouragement and providing the resources to achieve results that exceeded my expectations, even as I’m currently trying to reach the next level in weight loss. I couldn’t be happier with the progress I’ve made so far, and couldn’t have done it without their support.”

Lisa M

“Ken might as well be a Keto Evangelist. He’s always talking about the benefits of this way of living, and encouraging everyone to do it. I think his persistence may be more than enough to make me sign up for coaching.”

Tom S

My Keto Blog

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Keto 101 February 11 Start Date

Hello everyone! Tina and I would like to welcome you to our first Ketogenic Lifestyle 101 class. While we're new to the formal coaching process, we have been doing this unofficially for over two years. In that time we've had some significant achievements in terms of...

KT Keto is about to Launch!

KT Keto is very close to launching! We're so close in fact that we may actually soft launch our site by the end of this week. There are still a few things to get in place, but if you're willing to jump now, you'll get in on the ground floor of our launch. As an added...

My Book on Quick, Healthy Cooking at Home

We’re working on a cookbook compilation, but while you wait here are some options we like.

Carrie Brown

Tina's Compilations

Ken's Favorite Ideas

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

What are the benefits of Keto?
  • Mental clarity
  • Less inflamation
  • More energy
  • Lose weight
  • Even energy
Why should I do coaching instead of trying this on my own?
Change is difficult enough when it doesn’t involve long term engrained thinking by almost everyone in the country! We think the results will be better for you if you do in within the context of our coaching community. We’re building that for you, and would love to have you join us!
Does Keto Cure Everything?
Some days it seems like it. Keto is clearly transformative. Ultimately Keto sets you up to be in the best, least inflammatory position. From there, the healthy food you’re eating because you’ve eliminated almost all processed food from your diet takes over.

You will feel the best you’ve felt in years, and over time, like us, you’ll only wish you started sooner.

All the diets I've tried before, haven't worked. What makes you think Keto Will?
We do not view Keto as a diet. It’s really a total lifestyle change. Once you’ve adapted to the Keto way of living, there will be enough advantages that you won’t want to go back!
I've heard that this way of eating isn't sustainable long term. Is that true?
Absolutely not. We’ve worked with people who are no longer dependent on insulin, yet if they were to return to eating carbs and sugar, they’d be right back to the vicious cycle of ever increasing insulin levels, inflammation, and fat storage.

We’ve been doing this now for over two years, and cannot imagine going back to our old ways. Why would we? Who enjoys carrying around 50 extra pounds all the time?

Is there an age that's too Young, or too old to enjoy the benefits of Eating Keto?

We won’t work with anyone below the age of 18. But that shouldn’t stop parents from researching the benefits of the Keto lifestyle for their kids. As for too old, we’ve both had grandparents with Alzheimer’s and wish we could have made this change for them. Ken’s dad has Alzheimer’s as well, and is one of the key motivators he has to stick with it.

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